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Nursing Note


I present to you the official definition of "Fall" as defined by research studies Tinetti, Speechley & Ginter, 1988; Buchner et al, 1993:

"An event which results in a person unintentionally coming to rest on the ground or another lower level."

Oh the things we learn at Hopkins!


Nurse Nina

Coming Soon!


My mother came to visit and we played all over lovely D.C. Such a fabulous time! More pictures and stories to come!!

I'm So Grateful for General Conference


For those of you who may not know what General Conference is, it is a special gathering of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints which occurs twice a year. During this meeting the leaders of the church speak to the members (all members across the world) and offer guidance and direction for our lives. We believe that these men are called of God to serve in the Church and that through this service they receive inspiration to lead, guide and teach the members of the church. 

I think it such a blessing to have men upon the Earth who serve the Lord by leading the church. I am grateful for their prayers over each one of us and their thoughtful preparations to speak to us during such a special gathering of the Church. I know that they love us dearly and I believe that God answers their prayers with inspiration as to what they should teach, guide and support the members of the church. 

Above is my favorite talk thus far. Such a beautiful testimony of the Atonement and how trials can be  the most beautiful experiences of our life because of the Savior's consecrating and exalting power.