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March: Running a Marathon


February Report: I loved February. I loved focusing on others and becoming more aware of things in my character and life that hold me back from serving and loving. Most of all I loved seeing how others were charitable. My roommate sacrificing sleep to talk to a friend, my mother praying to know what I need and saying exactly what the Lord needs me to hear, my friend being as excited about another friend's life as she is about her own, a nurse sacrificing her lunch to be with a scared patient, a friend who gives me a home in Baltimore every week, another who drives me to school when I can't. The list goes on and on. I loved witnessing those Amelie moments where someone was lifted so high by another's kindness. The KEY is prayer: praying for charity.

My First Marathon: A Lesson in Courage

March I have decided, since it is the month of my birthday, is going to be about striving to reach my potential and realizing that that potential is limitless. Sometimes I forget that what I can do in life and make of life all depends on my willpower and effort. It truly is. But at times it feels like statistics, other's opinions and possible risks have more determination over my life than I do. This month I hope to change that terrible perspective and start seeing my life as the opportunity it is. I'm going to do this by training for my first Marathon. 

I fell in love with running in college. One day I decided I wanted to be able to run a mile in 8 minutes and I ran every day after. I love how meditative running is and how amazing it feels to push myself so far. I love that I can enjoy the beauty of this Earth as I run and soak it all in. 

Best of all, I love seeing how far my heart can go. You see, I have had minor troubles with my heart since I was very little. I was born with an irregular heartbeat, but that is something I cherish as unique and it doesn't threaten my health in any way. I remember in Assessment class this past year a good friend of mine listened to my heart for the first time and exclaimed, "Nina, you have your own music box inside of you! It plays a melody all it's own."I love that my heartbeat is all my own. But my heart does have a weakness: skipped beats. A stressful childhood gave birth to an overworked heart that then responds more intensely to stress than perhaps it should. But I believe that it is strong. While it terrifies me when it decides it doesn't want to function properly, I believe that it is stronger for the stress it has endured. I want now to prove it. 

From Gattaca: "For what it's worth, I'm here to tell you that it is possible. It is possible." 

So I am running the Utah Valley Marathon on June 9th. 

1 comment :

Tara said...

I love your heart too :). And I'm excited to run a marathon with you!!!!